Policy and Procedure
1. Policy Statement
1.1 The Messengers of Peace Academy is a charitable organisation which aims to educate and enlighten others about Islam by breaking down barriers and clarifying misconceptions. This is done using the latest educational technology and training methods, and providing regular online learning courses, using modern academic standards.
1.2 In furtherance of its objective to promote Islamic learning and education, the Messengers of Peace Academy from time to time invites speakers and scholars from around the globe to discuss various topics. Guest speakers are chosen for their intellectual prowess, ability to challenge listeners, ability to present fresh perspectives and their reputation. The audience appreciates good speakers and welcomes these opportunities to learn and seek religious knowledge.
1.3 The Messengers of Peace Academy recognises its responsibility to the audience that it serves and the wider community in which it operates. Therefore, inviting well known, popular speakers is necessary for us to fulfil our definitive objective.
1.4 We also acknowledge that we have a duty under the law to ensure that our charity is not used for speeches and activities that are unlawful. The organisation will continue to ensure the messages imparted from its platform do not promote hatred, bigotry or animosity between groups of people, or segments of society.
To this extent we will:-
Ensure steps are taken that those involved with The Messengers of Peace Academy and in the delivery of its activities in relation to violence, terrorism, and hate crime.
Ensure steps are taken to ensure that those involved with The Messengers of Peace Academy do not break the law by (for example)
Encouraging or glorifying terrorism
Inciting racial or religious hatred
Inciting criminal acts or public order offences
Ensure procedures are in place to prevent the promotion of any type of violence and terrorism on our platforms or activities.
Our policy and procedures will also include online activities, educational and marketing materials produced by The Messengers of Peace Academy.
In line with Islamic requirements we will ensure that our activities promote good relations, cohesion and respect between all communities, faiths and races.
In line with Islamic requirements we will also ensure that the language used by our speakers is in line with etiquettes for speaking set out in the Qur’an and Sunnah.
2.1 Responsibility:
2.1.1 Charities and their trustees must comply with the general law. This means they must not promote or support extremist views or activity that promotes terrorism or terrorist ideology through the charity’s work.
2.1.2 As part of their charity law duties, trustees must always act in the best interests of their charity. They must act reasonably and prudently and they must ensure that the charity’s funds, assets and reputation are not placed at undue risk, and that it is complying with the wider legal framework. They must not engage in activities which would lead a reasonable member of the public to conclude the charity supports terrorism
2.1.2 All Trustees, staff and volunteers working with the The Messengers of Peace Academy will sign a statement saying they have read, understood and will abide by this policy and its procedures. These signed statements will be kept on our files.
2.2 Speakers, Guidance, and Controversy
2.2.1 Anyone whose views pose a genuine risk to breaking the law, good community relations and the good name of the charity will not be invited. All invited speakers will receive a personal explanation of our policy. They must sign a statement of agreement to abide by our policy. This will be kept on file.
2.2.2 We will produce and provide a general guidance statement for speakers to refrain from extremist and hateful, unlawful speech. This will also include guidance from the Qur’an and the Prophetic Sunnah on the best way of dialogue and conduct with adherents to religious or non-religious beliefs, and the duty to have good relations with one’s neighbours and communities.
2.3 Publications, Educational and Marketing
2.3.1 Materials
Any courses materials and books or other publications will also be scrutinized for adherence to this policy, before publication and circulation. Any leaflets, publicity and marketing materials including media press releases, interviews and website content, will be subject to the same scrutiny as speakers.
We also value freedom of thought and expression among our staff and students. People affiliated with the Messengers of Peace Academy can be expected to articulate and publicly express a wide array of opinions on various issues, including on subjects that tend to generate heated public discourse. These, however, are their personal views and do not in any way reflect the official policies or positions of the Messengers of Peace Academy, which, as an institution of learning, does not take a stance on political matters.