
SPEAKERS Policy and Procedure


Policy and Procedure


1.       Policy Statement

1.1 The Messengers of Peace Academy is a global organisation that attracts students and speakers worldwide. Because of this, it is paramount that we hold ourselves to the high standards that have been outlined by our Prophet and our religion of Islam. Therefore, it is vital that we ensure our platform is not used to promote any type of hatred or violence. Our main goal as an organisation is to promote Islam as the positive and integral religion that it is. If a speaker were to use us to promote any type of hate speech this would go against our core beliefs.


1.2 The Messengers of Peace Academy reserves the right to cancel any booking where it deems it necessary to do so.


1.3   The Messengers of Peace Academy understands the importance of ensuring that all talks and speeches are in line with Islamic requirements. We must ensure that our activities promote good relations, cohesion and respect between all communities, faiths and races.


1.4   In line with Islamic requirements we must also ensure that the language used by our speakers is in line with etiquettes for speaking set out in the Qur’an and Sunnah.

2.       Aims of Policy

1.3  To protect freedom of speech in accordance with the law.

1.4  To ensure that the Messengers of Peace Academy is not used as a platform for encouraging or glorifying terrorism, inciting racial or religious hatred, inciting criminal acts or public order offences.

1.5    To protect the reputation of the Messengers of Peace Academy.




2.1    Rights and Responsibility:

2.1.1   Although we uphold the rights of speakers to express freedom of speech it is important to stress that freedom of speech is not without limits. Therefore, the freedom of speech for our speakers are strictly restricted when:

  • The speaker may incite listeners to commit a criminal offence

  • Discriminate against a protected group

  • Incite others to commit acts of terrorism or glorify terrorism, directly or indirectly.

  • May cause offence to others or disrupt the work that the Messengers of Peace Academy are doing.

Speakers must ensure that all speech does not include anything that incorporates any of the above mentioned points, directly or indirectly.

2.1.2 The Messengers of Peace Academy seeks to preserve Sunni orthodox Islamic teachings. It is important to note that such teaching can encompass a wide range of opinions in certain areas of Islam. The Messengers of Peace Academy can accommodate differences of opinion within Islamic thought.

In any circumstance where a speaker may promote views which can be wrongly associated with the Messengers of Peace Academy then we reserve the right to not allow these to proceed.